Here are some testimonials from our members and visitors. Scroll down to submit your own.

I just wanted to send an email of thanks for inviting me to attend the networking event at Basingstoke group at The Red Lion Hotel on Friday. I was very nervous and you and the team made me feel so welcome and put me right at ease. I thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt a great deal.
Date of Posting: 10 July 2018
Posted By: Liann
Hi, I believe that this workshop helped me to feel more prepared and safe entering the world of networking which was completely new for me before. Omni helped me to shape my attitude towards networking: from I hate this networking staff to hmmm actually I can enjoy it. Thank you
Date of Posting: 19 June 2018
Posted By: Eszter Ivan
Transformational bodymind coach, psychologist, London
From my first contact with OMNI, I felt a great sense of realism and dedication from OMNI in genuinely reaching out to support people who run a business. Everyone is equal and jumps onboard to help you, get to know your business, by listening to what it is about, what your need is, then they swing into action with immediacy. I host a festival - Wonderful World of Wellbeing. From get-go from the top, John Gower, Felicity Leicester and LOTS of members have not only welcomed the festival and me with transparent support but joined forces and come on board as supporting partners, exhibitors and visitors from OMNI meetings I have yet to attend. No forced referrals and really nice people operating a variety of amazing businesses. If I was to sum my experience up with OMNI, it would be 'Networking on steroids', delighted to be part of their community. If you are looking for a supporting network, make contact and just come to a meeting - you will be made most welcome. My next meeting will have me traveling a couple of hundred miles to attend, looking forward to engaging with more members of the same ilk. So confident in their ways, I am taking a guest - why? Because I trust she will be met with the same level of networking I received. Much Gratitude and thanks to everyone I have connected with so far, and this is just the beginning of our journey together. Thank you. Diane Mitchell.
Date of Posting: 07 April 2018
Posted By: Diane Mitchell
Festival director & Mindset Therapist., Leeds & Tickemham
I'd like to thank all the members & Visitors who attend Kingston/Surbiton OmniLocal Networking, you are a wonderful group which make the meetings unique, fun and great for gaining business referrals and advice. I have gained business for OmniLocal Magazine and Business Utilities through your assistance. Looking forward to seeing you all again Thursday. Felicity - K/S Group Support Manager
Date of Posting: 27 March 2018
Posted By: Felicity Leicester
Omni Local Magazine/Networking & Business Utilities, Kingston, Surbiton
In my humble opinion, there is a simple reason why the "Omni Phenomenon" is defying all that's holy in networkland; John Gower (the driving force behind this organisation) actually WORKS his business.

JG also runs a number of (FREE) training sessions to help improve our networking efficiency - I was privileged to receive an invitation for last Monday's event - where I re-learned some of my forgotten skills!!!!

Serious business people attend his meet ups & as they're springing up just a bout everywhere, there's gotta be one near you?!?
Date of Posting: 21 March 2018
Posted By: Brian Ian Hamilton
Lord Hamilton of Glencoe

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